Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Journal of AI-Assisted Scientific Discovery

Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Lapse Behaviour in Life Insurance: Advanced Models and Real-World Applications

Bhavani Prasad Kasaraneni
Independent Researcher, USA

Published 17-05-2024


  • Lapse prediction,
  • Machine learning

How to Cite

Bhavani Prasad Kasaraneni, “Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Lapse Behaviour in Life Insurance: Advanced Models and Real-World Applications ”, Journal of AI-Assisted Scientific Discovery, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 449–488, May 2024, Accessed: Oct. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://scienceacadpress.com/index.php/jaasd/article/view/150


Lapse behavior, characterized by policy cancellations before maturity, poses a significant financial risk for life insurance companies. Accurate prediction of lapses is crucial for developing effective retention strategies and ensuring long-term profitability. Traditional statistical methods for lapse prediction often struggle with the complex non-linear relationships between policyholder characteristics, product features, and lapse decisions. This research investigates the application of advanced machine learning (ML) techniques for lapse prediction in life insurance.

We explore a range of ML algorithms, including ensemble methods like Gradient Boosting and Random Forests, which are known for their ability to handle complex interactions and non-linearities within the data. These ensemble methods work by combining multiple weak learners, each focusing on a slightly different aspect of the data, into a single stronger learner that can capture the overall complexity of the lapse prediction problem. Additionally, we investigate deep learning architectures, such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which can effectively capture temporal dependencies in policyholder behavior. These dependencies might be crucial for understanding how changes in financial circumstances or life events, such as job loss, marriage, or childbirth, can influence lapse risk over time. For instance, an RNN model could learn from a policyholder's historical payment behavior to identify patterns that might indicate an increased risk of lapse in the future.

Furthermore, the study incorporates advanced feature engineering techniques to create new informative features from existing data sources. This process can involve feature extraction techniques that transform raw data, such as policyholder demographics, payment history, and product details, into more interpretable representations. Feature selection methods are then employed to identify the most relevant features for lapse prediction, reducing model complexity and improving generalizability. By incorporating these advanced techniques, the ML models can leverage a richer set of information to make more accurate and nuanced predictions about lapse risk.

The study compares the performance of these advanced ML models with traditional logistic regression, evaluating their effectiveness in identifying high-risk policyholders. We delve into the interpretability of the models, employing techniques like feature importance analysis to understand which factors have the most significant influence on lapse decisions. This understanding allows insurers to develop targeted interventions based on the specific risk factors identified by the model. For instance, if the model highlights financial hardship as a key driver of lapse, insurers can design personalized outreach programs offering flexible payment options, hardship assistance programs, or financial literacy resources. These interventions can help address the root causes of lapse risk and improve policyholder retention.

The research emphasizes the real-world applications of ML-based lapse prediction models. We discuss how insurers can leverage these models to implement personalized retention strategies. This includes early intervention programs aimed at addressing the specific concerns of at-risk policyholders. By proactively reaching out to policyholders identified as high-risk, insurers can offer targeted support, such as providing financial counseling or extending grace periods for premium payments. Additionally, the paper explores the potential for dynamic risk pricing based on lapse predictions. By adjusting premiums based on individual risk profiles, insurers can achieve a more balanced risk-reward structure. This can involve offering lower premiums to attract lower-risk customers, while appropriately pricing policies for higher-risk individuals. However, it is important to ensure that such practices comply with regulatory requirements and ethical considerations to avoid unfair discrimination against certain customer groups.

Furthermore, the research explores the limitations and ethical considerations associated with ML-based lapse prediction. Potential biases within the data and algorithms are addressed, highlighting the importance of responsible development and deployment of these models. We emphasize the need for fairness and transparency in using ML for customer risk assessment. This includes employing fairness metrics to detect and mitigate bias within the models, as well as providing clear explanations to policyholders regarding how their data is used to assess their risk profiles. Transparency in model development and deployment can help build trust with policyholders and ensure responsible use of AI in the insurance industry.

This research contributes to the field of life insurance risk management by demonstrating the effectiveness of advanced ML techniques in lapse prediction. It provides valuable insights for insurers seeking to improve customer retention and achieve long-term financial stability. The paper bridges the gap between theoretical advancements in ML and practical applications within the life insurance industry.


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