Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Journal of AI-Assisted Scientific Discovery

Deep Learning-based Cyber Attack Detection in Autonomous Vehicle Networks

Dr. Carlos Jiménez
Professor of Computer Science, University of Costa Rica

Published 24-06-2024


  • AVNs,
  • logistics


Sophisticated detection methods are required to detect these attacks. A cyber attack can be a single point or multiple point violation. In a single violation detection problem, the task is mainly to distinguish whether violations occurred. However, the multi-violation detection problem is to determine which specific measure was violated and to identify the degree of violation. Conventional detection techniques may lack advanced 0-day cyber safety mechanisms, such as machine learning and deep learning. This paper presents the small-scale network embedding concept and shows that, under different threat models, a deep learning-based system on embedded networks including 5G or Wi-Fi protocols can effectively bypass various security checks, confusion detection, and adversarial effects in an end-to-end manner.


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