Microservices Security Secret Rotation and Management Framework for Applications within Cloud Environments: A Pragmatic Approach
Published 10-11-2023
- Microservice,
- Cloud Migration,
- Containerization Distributed Systems,
- Microservice Security
Copyright (c) 2023 Amarjeet Singh, Alok Aggarwal (Author)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
In recent years, the adoption of microservices architecture has revolutionized software development, enabling organizations to build scalable, resilient, and agile applications. However, with the proliferation of microservices within cloud environments, ensuring robust security practices becomes paramount. One critical aspect of microservices security is the effective rotation and management of secrets, such as passwords, API keys, and cryptographic keys. This research paper proposes a pragmatic approach to address the challenges associated with secret rotation and management in microservices-based applications deployed in cloud environments.The framework outlined in this paper integrates best practices from both microservices architecture and cloud security, providing organizations with a comprehensive solution to safeguard their applications against potential security threats. By extending the abstract, the paper delves deeper into the complexities of microservices security and offers more detailed insights into the proposed framework's design, implementation, and evaluation.
This research begins by providing an overview of microservices architecture, highlighting its principles, benefits, and security considerations. It then explores the landscape of cloud environments and associated security risks, emphasizing the importance of implementing robust security measures in cloud-based microservices deployments. Next, the paper discusses the challenges of secret rotation and management in microservices environments, emphasizing the critical role of effective management practices in maintaining data integrity and confidentiality. It evaluates existing approaches and solutions, identifying their limitations and the need for a more comprehensive framework tailored to microservices and cloud environments.
The proposed framework is presented as a pragmatic approach to addressing these challenges. It outlines the design principles, key components, and workflow processes essential for implementing an effective secret rotation and management strategy. Additionally, the paper provides implementation guidelines, including tool selection criteria, automation strategies, and role-based access control mechanisms. A detailed case study illustrates the application of the framework in a real-world scenario, showcasing its effectiveness in enhancing security posture and mitigating potential risks. The paper concludes with a discussion on lessons learned, future enhancements, and the broader implications for the industry.
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